What responsibilities does an emergency dentist shoulder?
An emergency dentist plays the crucial role when you are in need of an emergency dental treatment and cannot wait through the usual procedure of booking an appointment with a regular dentist. The expert runs a quick diagnosis on you to provide you with quick relief from your pain and misery. For same day emergency dental care there are emergency dentists who can provide you with prompt diagnosis and care. It is the responsibility of your emergency dentist to ensure you do not suffer unnecessarily.
How do you find an emergency dentist?
These days online search is very common. So, you can run a quick search on Google using strings like “emergency dentist near me”. Google will automatically take up your present geographical location and return you search results near your location. There are regular dental clinics as well as urgent dental care practices that stay open 24 hours a day. Moreover you can also call the NHS emergency care at 111 to get quality care and treatment for your urgent dental need. It is relevant to mention that as far as the prices of emergency dentist in London are concerned, you will save quite a few bucks when you go the NHS.
How can I book an appointment with an emergency dentist?
Usually, most emergency dentists accept your booking through your call to the helpdesk number of the practice. In most cases as soon as you call the helpdesk number and give a brief outline of your problem, the attendant books you for an immediate consultation. However they may ask you to fill up an online form with your emergency details. Only after that they will confirm your appointment with their emergency dentist. On the other hand if your condition is too acute, the attendant will put you in touch with the emergency dentist even before asking you to fill up any online form.
What can we expect from an emergency dental appointment?
At any emergency dental appointment the emergency dentist will definitely provide you with a thorough and careful diagnosis. The expert will leave no stone unturned to locate the root of your problem and treat it accordingly so that you get fast relief. If you are in acute pain and discomfort the emergency dentist will administer you with pain relieving medicines. If the diagnosis reveals your case involves immediate emergency tooth extraction then it will be performed after consulting the matter with you. On the other hand after diagnosing a patient if an emergency dentist feels there is no need of any immediate action to be taken other than prescribing the pain medicines the expert will recommend the treatment that the patient must seek to get final relief from the problem. In order to make the correct diagnosis fast your emergency dentist may take x-rays of your mouth.
What is the cost of emergency dental treatments?
The cost of emergency dental treatments is obviously little higher than standard treatments. However the cost of these treatments is never uniform across places. The cost varies from case to case as well as practice to practice. The price of an emergency dental treatment depends ion various factors. The factors include –
- The severity of a case
- Qualifications and experience of an emergency dentist
- The location of a practice
You will be informed about the actual cost of your treatment before starting of the treatment. Here is a rough idea about the cost of these treatments –
- Tooth extractions cost between £100 and £250 varying on the complexity of a case.
- Simple tooth extractions cost around £100 whereas surgical extractions normally cost above £150 and within £250.
- Extraction of the wisdom tooth normally costs around £200.
Why I need emergency dental treatment?
You are in need of emergency dental treatment when you suffer either of the following –
- Heavy bleeding from the mouth
- Unbearable pain in the tooth
- Completely knocked out tooth
- Swelling in the face that causes fever
- Facing difficulty in the opening and closing of the mouth
Few common dental emergencies
Some dental emergency conditions are common. These include the following –
- Uncontrolled bleeding from the mouth that result from an accident or trauma
- A major infection in the tooth or the gums that spreads to other body parts
- A dry socket – this is condition related to clot dislodgement after a tooth extraction and is very painful
- Fractured or chipped tooth that causes severe pain
- A dislodged dental crown or filling
- A completely knocked out tooth
- Pericoronitis – this is a condition in which the soft tissues of the mouth nearby an impacted tooth get inflamed
- Severe pain in the tooth that does not improve even with taking pain killing medicines
- A dislocated or fractured jaw
- Severe decay in the tooth that leads to sensitivity of the tooth
Conditions that people think are dental emergencies but are not
A bracket may get dislodged at times. It may seem an emergency dental condition. But in reality it is not. The condition may pause and delay your orthodontic treatment to some extent or the other. But it is not something that falls under the category of emergency dental condition.
Why is it necessary to act promptly in cases of dental emergency?
It is indeed important to act promptly on dental emergencies. There is more than one reason to support this view. Skilled and experienced dentists at Emergency Dentist London Pro have something to add in this context. According to them when you act promptly in a dental emergency it saves a tooth or even teeth. it also prevents teeth from the condition of getting worse. Most importantly your effort saves you from the pain and discomfort that are often related to an emergency dental condition. In certain cases, your promptness also helps preserving your dental appliances.

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